Pastor Josh Griffith

Pastor Joshua S. Griffith is a native to the Tri-County area. Raised by his parents Tim and Marilyn Griffith, alongside his sister Kayla Griffith. He is now married to his dear wife, Mrs. Amy Griffith and God has blessed their marriage with two wonderful children.

Having grown up in this area our Pastor fully understood and acknowledged the need for more Bible believing Baptist Churches.

Growing up, he and his family attended church faithfully. At the age of seven years old, Bro. Josh called upon the Lord to be saved! From that moment on he continued to grow and serve The Lord from within his local church.

Some years later at the age of Twenty years old, God called our pastor into the ministry. On July 13th 2013, Bro. Josh accepted his call to preach. Immediately, The Lord began to open doors giving our Pastor many great opportunities to share the Gospel.

Shortly thereafter The Lord began to deal with his heart about planting a new Church. After much Prayer and counsel, God finally opened the door and established Still Water Baptist Church. The goal of our pastor is this simple. It is his hearts desire to continually stand on the KING JAMES BIBLE. Staying faithful and true to preaching and teaching THE WORD OF GOD. Sharing the Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.




Service Times

School.... 10:00 AM

Service... 11:00 AM

Service....... 6:00 PM


Service.... 7:00 PM